Welcome to....... Blessings Healings
A special place where you can come to Relax
Fill Body, Mind & Soul
With Healing Therapies & Retail Therapy
In Beautiful Safe & Serene Surroundings
in the Hills of Jhb South
With On Site Shop
Open Mon – Fri 9 am – 5 pm
Saturday – 9 am – 2 pm
Also On Line Shopping
E-Commerce Store
With reliable, safe and fast door to door Courier Service
Look forwrd to Connecting, sharing and assisting YOU to raise your vibration
And start to fulfill Y O U R…….. True Potential & have the life you have always known was possible.
Blessings Beautiful Beings
Lynnie. B.
Crystal Healing
Crystals are beautiful both in their appearance and feeling. They’re fun to work with, and have no ill side effects. Even if sometimes their effect can feel uncomfortable as we release thoughts and emotions we don’t want to face but no longer need, they do only good.
Usui Reiki
The Japanese word ‘reiki’ can be translated as ‘universal life energy’ and the Usui System is a way of working with reiki for healing of self and others. The word healing is used in the sense of regaining harmony and wholeness. Usui Shiki Ryoho addresses the whole person on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels and those that we cannot identify at the present.
Access Face-lift™
The Access Face-lift™ is a wonderful way to rejuvenate and reverse the appearance of aging on the face and creates similar effects throughout the body. Working with the energy that you and your body have access to though gentle soothing touch to your face and neck, the Access Face-lift™ works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate.
Energy Healing Attunments
An energy attunement is an initiation to a high vibrational frequency of energy. It is passed from someone who has already been attuned to that energy frequency. When you accept an energy attunement, you open to a higher vibrational frequency that brings healing and alignment with the highest aspects of yourself.
Access Bars
Access Consiousness Bar is a modality where the therapist cradles and activates various points on the head. Each of the 32 positions taps into a particular part of the brain and all its programming – wiping the past beliefs and emotions attached to them.
Lightarian Angellinks
How will these angelic energies work with me?
In general, these five angelic beings have committed to working intimately and powerfully with us… Their focus is to help you embody and expand the pure angelic qualities of unconditional love, non-judgment, courage, beauty and joy in your day-to-day life.

View our testimonials from our clients. It is always good to have those positive feedbacks from clients