Blue Candle


Blue Candle – Solid Color – ( Not Dipped )

15 cm x 2 cm

A blue candle meaning of self-expression and wisdom correlates to the purpose of your fifth chakra located in your throat region. This important chakra is represented by the color blue. This energy center is responsible for the first leg of your spiritual journey of ascension.

You can boost your spiritual growth and release negative emotions that may be blocking your spiritual advancement when you meditate with a lighted blue candle.

Throat chakra

Color: Blue

Location: Base of the throat to the center of the eyes

Meaning: “This chakra is all about self-expression and clear communication.

While a balanced throat chakra is linked with speaking and writing your truth, an imbalance can result in just the opposite.

“People often hold back from true honesty for fear that they may face judgment or rejection,

which can be evidence of a blocked throat chakra and could even manifest in frequent coughing or other physical symptoms.

If you’re struggling to communicate effectively—or need an energetic boost to ask someone out on a date or send that email to your boss about a raise

consider placing a few throat-chakra stones (like blue-lace agate or, kyanite, blue calcite,  aquamarine) over your throat while you meditate.

You can also take a spiritual bath with my very own handmade Chakra balancing bath salts which I have in stock in store or on line at Blessings

You can also nosh on blueberries and visualize a blue light surrounding your throat area

Blue candles transform violence, anger, and hate.

Blue gives peace, calm, harmony, satisfaction, bliss, oneness, and understanding of the spiritual realms.

Blue is one of the colors associated with West and the element of Water, is the color of emotional work, it soothes and cools. In its brighter shades, it is a color of inspiration and clear communication. The deep blues are good for legal matters, wisdom, royalty, protection. Devotion, honor, and loyalty are represented by the deeper shades of blue.

Blue is an excellent color for business success, as it balances logic with intuition. Protection, sleep, and prophetic dreams are assisted by the color blue. In magic, blue can expand the boundaries of possibility and create confidence and power mingled with altruism and idealism. Burn a blue candle when principles are at stake, to discover the truth and receive guidance, when dealing with government and when seeking justice.

Blue candles can be lit for the expansion of mental horizons, for success and the increase of possibility. They also represent the expansion of physical horizons and travel. Above all, blue offers protection and calm in the midst of times of crisis and turmoil. Considered the color of wisdom, thoughtfulness, and celestial regions. A feeling of youthfulness fills this color. Blue is an excellent hue for peacefulness and profound reflection.

Use it for harmony, communication, and resonance.


Blue Candle – Solid Color – ( Not Dipped )

15 cm x 2 cm

A blue candle meaning of self-expression and wisdom correlates to the purpose of your fifth chakra located in your throat region. This important chakra is represented by the color blue. This energy center is responsible for the first leg of your spiritual journey of ascension.

You can boost your spiritual growth and release negative emotions that may be blocking your spiritual advancement when you meditate with a lighted blue candle.

Throat chakra

Color: Blue

Location: Base of the throat to the center of the eyes

Meaning: “This chakra is all about self-expression and clear communication.

While a balanced throat chakra is linked with speaking and writing your truth, an imbalance can result in just the opposite.

“People often hold back from true honesty for fear that they may face judgment or rejection,

which can be evidence of a blocked throat chakra and could even manifest in frequent coughing or other physical symptoms.

If you’re struggling to communicate effectively—or need an energetic boost to ask someone out on a date or send that email to your boss about a raise

consider placing a few throat-chakra stones (like blue-lace agate or, kyanite, blue calcite,  aquamarine) over your throat while you meditate.

You can also take a spiritual bath with my very own handmade Chakra balancing bath salts which I have in stock in store or on line at Blessings

You can also nosh on blueberries and visualize a blue light surrounding your throat area

Blue candles transform violence, anger, and hate.

Blue gives peace, calm, harmony, satisfaction, bliss, oneness, and understanding of the spiritual realms.

Blue is one of the colors associated with West and the element of Water, is the color of emotional work, it soothes and cools. In its brighter shades, it is a color of inspiration and clear communication. The deep blues are good for legal matters, wisdom, royalty, protection. Devotion, honor, and loyalty are represented by the deeper shades of blue.

Blue is an excellent color for business success, as it balances logic with intuition. Protection, sleep, and prophetic dreams are assisted by the color blue. In magic, blue can expand the boundaries of possibility and create confidence and power mingled with altruism and idealism. Burn a blue candle when principles are at stake, to discover the truth and receive guidance, when dealing with government and when seeking justice.

Blue candles can be lit for the expansion of mental horizons, for success and the increase of possibility. They also represent the expansion of physical horizons and travel. Above all, blue offers protection and calm in the midst of times of crisis and turmoil. Considered the color of wisdom, thoughtfulness, and celestial regions. A feeling of youthfulness fills this color. Blue is an excellent hue for peacefulness and profound reflection.

Use it for harmony, communication, and resonance.


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