Welcome Beautiful Beings

When you Follow your Passion and Purpose in Life ~ Miracles do Happen ~

Blessings my name is Lynette but most people call me Lynnie and since I would say bless you to everyone it became Lynnie  Blessings.

Its my “Passion, Purpose and Pleasure” to Serve all you Beautiful Beings  and assisting others to awaken to their full potential is truly a blessing.

Blessings Healings offers a variety of healing modalities to help you to live the best possible life that you can. Each one of us is different and we all resonate and respond to energy differently. There is not right or wrong way its what feels right for  YOU. I have always known my place on earth was to help raise its vibration. And Energy healing is such a beautiful way of sharing in that wonder, allowing it to heal and balance our vibration. The body always speaks the mind, so once you can settle your mind and thoughts through various healing modalities you can start to live the divine live that you were meant to live.

I have always known I had chosen  to come to earth to help raise its vibration and all living on it from Plant, too animal too Human. My Passion and Purpose is to serve and help make a difference in the lives of others.   I am a very Sensitive and Empathic at best, and  being a Cancerian too, so energies are one thing I really feel at all times. Always wanted to start a healing wellness centre and you know that if you truly believe all things are possible it shall happen. Blessed and grateful for “Blessings Healings Wellness Centre and Esoteric shop” which I started on my own with a vision and passion . The Esoteric shop started by me doing arts and crafts and everyone wanting to buy it from me, and so from there the shop just grew and grew and is now filled with all different Divine Delights.

Have always been on the spiritual path of awakening, and started doing various Angel and crystal healing workshops and courses many, many years ago. Did my Certified Reiki 1,2,and 3 Course in 2009 and have not stopped learning and growing and sharing on this incredible journey. Filled with joy and peace and balance. Allowing our divine essence to light up and fill our lives and the lives of those around us. We are in control of our lives it’s all our choice how and what we do with it. I am certified in various healing modalities. And learning and growing each day and it’s my pleasure to share it with all whom cross my path. I know I have always been a healer even from a small child, Love, Compassion and respect for all living beings has always been my way.

To be touched by the Soul of another being.

How truly special.
No barriers dividing only pure divine trust of each other.
The essence of life flowing thru our veins, red be that colour on this plane of existence
The physical.
You have my heart and I have yours
Always and forever
To all the special soul’s that have crossed my path.
Know that you are everything and that everything is you.
Exploding with possibilities and potential.
Thank you in love and light and pure Gratitude.
As I heal myself and others I raise the vibration of the world.



👁I am in touch with my Inner Guidance 
👁I listen to my deepest Wisdom
👁I seek to understand and to learn from my life
👁I am wise, Intuitive & Connected to my inner
👁I nurture my spirit
👁I listen to the wisdom of elders
👁I trust my intuition 
👁I forgive the past and learn what was there for me to learn.
👁I forgive myself
👁I love and accept myself.
👁I know that all is well in world.
👁I am connected with the wisdom of the Universe.
👁I am open to inspiration and bliss
👁My life moves effortlessly 
👁I am at peace
👁I am the source of my truth and my love.
👁I Am

Holistic Healing from my Wonderful Wellness Center in Divine Surroundings
where you can come & Relax , DE-stress & Unwind

* Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher & Practioner

* Certified Karuna Ki Master Teacher & Practioner

* Certified Crystal Healing Practitioner

* Etheric Crystals 1 – 12 Attunments

* Certified Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner

* Certified Access Consciousness Energetic Face-lift Practitioner

* Access Consciousness Body Processes Practitioner

* Lightarian Angellinks Attunments

* Shamanic Healing 13th Rite of the Womb Attunments

* Indian Head Massages

* Meditations and Rituals

* Events

* Workshops

* Distant Reiki Healing

* Distant Tarot and * Oracle Card readings

* Color Therapy and Readings

* Various Energy Healing Attunements

* Angelic Healing Therapy Practitioner

An interview Body and Mind did with me. Gives you a brief introduction into who i am, and how i got started on my journey

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